MPS were proud to have been involved with a film shoot for Automotive Broadcasting giant MotorTrend as part of their series with British Racing Driver Legend Dario Franchitti and his series ‘Racing Monsters’.

Working with our Historic racing team friends, SZ Motorsport, and their original Ford Sierra RS500 Touring Car, MPS Director Ben Newman was in attendance to provide Motorsport Engineering services to support the multi-day film shoot at the privately hired Snetterton Circuit.
Plugging into the LifeRacing ECU and Monitoring the performance of the Fire Spitting Legend that is the Cosworth YB Engine as it powers the BTCC big winged legend around the Norfolk circuit.

With petrol coursing through our veins at MPS it was a fantastic project to be involved with as the nostalgia of the event and the stories from the various motorsport heroes that worked and raced with these vehicles back in its day were told.
It was also great to see how a large budget operation from another industry operated and it was a credit to MotorTrend’s filming crew as to how efficiently the large team of people worked together to produce the top quality film.

MotorTrend is a paid subscription service however a preview of the episode can be viewed for free on their Facebook Page: